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Let's Go!


The best companies have the best trained staff. The second best companies have the 2nd best trained staff and the 3rd best companies have the worst trained staff and are soon to be going out of business. – Brian Tracy

We highly value our staff and their training is a direct reflection on how happy our customers will be. We dedicate 3% of total turnover BACK into our employees, to ensure they are performing at the highest form of training and certification to get the job done right.

A Man With a Note Pad in an Overall
A Man Painting a Wall With Green Paint


Australian Furniture Removers Association

Backing and accreditation provided by AFRA is a major consideration when choosing a removalist. AFRA is an exclusive association of Furniture Removalists that meet all the necessary requirements for a TOP service furniture removalist. AFRA members are subjected to a rigorous audit process and have access to training systems that ensure excellent standards of service and safe work practices. AFRA’s Training Manuals, visual training aids, online training and other materials are widely acclaimed by organisations who promote Workplace Health and Safety.

Training and qualification is a big part of Cabarita Beach Removals. The removalist industry is continuingly being pushed to become a trade qualification and there is a huge amount of skill involved. We are aiming to be the best and are ready to achieve this, one happy customer at a time.

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